You're headed out on the trail and plan to bring your camera. Perhaps it's for wildlife, maybe it's to document the family being outside, or you're looking to take that next great landscaping photo.
WHAT SHOULD YOU BRING? Only what you need, but consider having a few things that will protect your equipment and other things that will serve as backups.

For all intents and purposes, let's pretend that you didn't embark outside chasing a snowstorm with the dog and instead you have the perfect conditions. Although I must say, go after the snowstorm - it will not disappoint.
So when you embark on the outside, what are some of the essentials? If we rule out all the common things that you need for a hike and just zero in on the gear for your camera, it's fairly straightforward.
1 | Backpack
We now have an infant in tow, so I'm now sporting a larger bag, but all around I am a big fan of the Rotation 22L Camera Backpack for Outdoor Adventure Photography by Think Tank Photo. Part bag, part hip pack.
The Rotation 180 bags allow you to store lunch and more meaningful items in the top back and give you easy access to the things you use regularly, like your camera in the hip pack.
2 | Backpack Rain Fly
There are many different types of rain fly's that you can acquire. REI has a number of universal fit covers that will protect your equipment if it rains.
There are few things worse than soaking wet backpack internals. For one, it can make the bag permanently smell like mold. However, the wet can also damage equipment.
3 | Camera Rain Covers
You never know when the elements are going to sneak up on you and when you're on the trail, it's difficult to hide from the wet. What's worse is to miss a great shot because your gear is packed away in your back.
Think of it as an insurance policy for your gear. While I rarely have to use the cover, when it's available, we've grabbed some great shots outside. The combination of overcast days and wet surfaces always makes for great images.
4 | Strap & Fastening Mount
You want something to secure the camera for you. For me, I use the Fidlock Camera Wrist Strap – DSPTCH, which attaches to my wrist.
Sometimes a little more oomph is needed and that will call for a shoulder strap like the BlackRapid Backpack Camera Sling - BLACKRAPID.
And as of recently, found this great product from Peak Design | Capture Camera Clip that allows me to attach the camera to my backpack strap when I need both of my hands.
5 | And the Fixin's
All the little stuff that is a necessity for being outside in the elements.
Lens Wipes
Extra battery
Extra Memory Card
The little things can make or break a trip. Perhaps you forgot to charge your battery or that card you using gets funky, these are the things that make sure you can enjoy what you set out to do.
Bring the camera and you're all set. Have fun and don't make it too complex. Protect that gear from the wet and make sure that you have it attached to you.